Monday, December 15, 2008

The best teacher and her classmates

This class is plumping engineer, they were finished at CTC as a vocational education of plumper. When they were vocational students, there is one teacher who is the best teacher in CTC and teacher of this class. First teacher said that students are too strange, later they are the best student in CTC. Workers of school said this teacher influeced them then student’s behavior changed to kind. This teacher name is Dolgormaa who is Chemistry teacher. I have worked since last year in this college. That time I did not know how to work and how to teach. Because I never teach something and my major is not teaching also I did not have experience to teach and work somewhere. But it was not difficult to work here. Because the teachers taught me especially Dolgormaa.

Last year when I come in school early ,she already come in college and was preparing the teaching materials. When I go out the college, she remain in her job. She always does something and I never saw who relax. She always helps someone. If I had problem, I would tell her. Later it will be ok. It means she always helps someone by emotion. Also she transformed bad impression quickly. I was feeling she is like my mother. Her emotion, impression, feelings, thoughts, and moving are so kind and she loves everything in the world. Almost teachers love and respect her very well.

Her class’s students used won every competition that the college organized it. They never missed any events, always attaint and win. Now they are good friends and help each others. Some of them are studying at CTC as bachelor students. I hope they will be kind people and do useful things in Mongolia.

Let’s see!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

The best song "Ben"

Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you, my friend, will see
You've got a friend in me
(you've got a friend in me)

Ben, you're always running here and there
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's one thing you should know
You've got a place to go
(you've got a place to go)

I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"
I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"
Ben, most people would turn you away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again
If they had a friend like Ben
(a friend) Like Ben
(like Ben) Like Ben

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

blue eyes and blue cap

GC, originally uploaded by nomadologist.

Run through the Gobi with a guitar, why not!

Baby camel whispering

Party of 9 to Sainshand


Spaced!, originally uploaded by Milk and two sugars.

Train from Ulaanbaatar to Sainshand

Амьддаа бие биенээ хайрла хүмүүсээ

Амьддаа бие биенээ хайрла хүмүүсээ
Алив сайхнаа бусдаас битгий харамла
Хэрэггүй үгийн зэвээр зүрхийг минь бүү шархлуул
Хэн нэгнээ харанхуй нүхрүү битгий түлхэ
Архинд орсон нэгнээ шоолж бүү инээ
Аяа чиний аав чинь ч байж мэднэ шүү дээ
Амжиж чи өөрөө алдрын зэрэгт хүрсэн бол
Аз жаргалын хаалгыг бусаддаа нээж өг
Ачийг чинь тэд бас бүү мартагээ
Ганц сайхан үгээр дутаж яваа хүнд
Гарцаагүй тэрийг нь олж хэл
Гадаа нартай ч гэрт хүйтэн өдөр
Газар дээр нэг бус удаа тохиолдоноо
Чамд дурласан сайхан хөвгүүнийг
Чанга хатуу үгээр битгий номдоо бүсгүй минь
Чамайг хайрласаных нь хариуд хайрла
Чамаас сайхан хүүхэнд ч дурлаж болох шүү дээ
Бидний амьдрал ав адилхан
Бидний хоолой дээр үг хүртэ нэг янзаар зангирч
Бидний хацар дээр нулимас хүртэл нэг янзаар бөмбөрч
Бидний зам дээр ав адилхан учрал тохиолдоно
Бүсгүйн нулимасыг асуулгүйгээр арчиж өг
Бүдэрч унасан хүнийг дээр өргөж аргад
Өнөөдөр чи инээж нөгөөх нь уйлдагч
Өөр нэг өдөр чи үхэж цаадах чинь дуулах болно
Өлгий авс хоёрыг хүн бүхэн дамждаг болохоор
Өөр юу ч хэрэггүй бие биенээ л хайрла
Өргөн хорвоод хүн гэж хайраар дутаж болохгүй
Аз жаргалыг би хүний сэтгэлийн галаар төсөөлдөг болохоор
Алтан нар гэрлээн бидэнд ав адилхан хайрладаг болохоор
Амьд явахыг би бусдад хайраа түгээхийн нэр гэж бодном
Аз жаргалыг би бусдаас хайр хүлээхийн нэр гэж ойлгоно
Амьддаа бие биенээ хайрла хүмүүсээ

Алив сайхнаа бусдаас битгий харамла

Love one another, people, while you are alive.
Don’t keep from others whatever you find nice.
Don’t bruise my heart with heedless barbs, and
don’t push any one of yourselves into a dark pit.
For I believe happiness to be a flame of human soul,
For the golden sun shines upon us all in the same way,
So I think that living is the name for loving others,
So I believe that happiness is the name for receiving love from others.”

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May 1

Today was my turn to clean at AGEAC. I came alone; usually there are two or three people for cleaning. So I thought, "I must clean quickly" and I started my work. It was not difficult because I was happy. When I was cleaning, I sang and thought happy thought, suddenly, the shelf broke. Last summer I had broken the light control and the door while cleaning the office. It happened again!. Then when i am trying to repair it, AGEAC teacher came in, and said "Please! be careful! this is impossible! Previous you have broken two things " and he said "please! do not sing. You are disturbing my working" At that time, the teacher was translating a movie. I was shocked and afraid of him. I have never seen him angry. Then some workers who are also my friend, came into the office and cleaned with me. After the cleaning was finished. I went out. I controlled myself, so I did not cry. Later I understood that it was my fault, because I must observe what I am doing. But I was not doing that. Now I think it is not bad and had experienced. I am doing to try observing myself, who I am, where I am, What I am doing.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My life in a dormitory

I live in a dormitory that is in an old building and better than many other. It has two sides, the teachers and other workers of this university live in one side. It is more comfortable and also cleaner, than the other side. Students live in the side where I also live. I think the living space is big; it has two beds, three tables and four chairs. Also the dormitory has plenty of fresh air. The most difficult thing is the long distance between the dormitory and the bus stop. Sometimes I am afraid to come back to my home in darkness, because there are no street lights along the way and there are some dark buildings. There is no supermarket near my dormitory, so it is too difficult to find groceries in the area. If I want something, I have to go to the city center. There is a small shop near home, but it is expensive, and for from other shops. I usually go to a market across the road from my job. Sometimes, I am so tired, it is not easy to bring groceries home, but it is okay. Overall, things are workable. I am happy with my building. We are satisfied living there.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Best job I have ever had

I think my current job in the best one I have had. Firstly, It is my first job since I graduated from university, so I have not had other experience nothing anywhere. Secondly, this job always teaches me something. When I prepare my lessons, I study and remember many relevant things before I teach. I learn to communicate and understand my students. Also I have had difficulty in presenting some things. A year ago, when I presented and taught lesson, I did not always have the most suitable words. I was afraid to look at the student audience. The job has helped me to learn presenting skills, and I think that I am improving. Finally, I have time to read, research, and learn something. After I have taught a day's lessons, it is possible to do what I want. I spend my time reading and learning English. Sometimes I am too busy, but it is too bad. I learn many things; for example right now I am learning writing skills.